How To Overcome Fear And Anxiety

Here’s a great exercise that you can do right away. It’s an easy way to control unexpected feelings of anxiety and fear.

Trauma and anxiety go hand in hand.

And anxiety comes in a variety of forms. It can pop up when we least expect it, for what seems no apparent reason. We can carry it with us for hours, days or months at a time.

Either way, the impact it has on our mindset and health can be horrific. During or after feelings of anxiety, we may begin to judge ourselves or believe something is wrong with us. It’s important to reassure yourself. And tell yourself that this may not always be true.

When we feel fear, we know it is a response to something potentially dangerous or a perceived danger. And what many people fail to realize is there’s a science behind it. There’s a part of our brain that triggers this nervous response. And it works on body memory…  Its scientific name is Magdala!

What does Magdala do?

Our body remembers all things that are dangerous from the past.

It doesn’t matter if it’s emotional or physical, it triggers a response to danger before it enters the cognitive part of our brain. Magdala then signals the cognitive part of our brain to process and determine what it is that’s going on. The feelings we get as a result are feelings of protection and flight or fright in the body. So in the haze of confusion it doesn’t realize everything is actually okay, and leads us to believe there’s something wrong.

Unless you’re aware of this feeling, the experience doesn’t feel too good, and we don’t know why we feel this way. But hey, guess what? Now you know. So you’re aware that what’s really happened is there’s been a trigger from your emotional body memory correlation, to some past memory that once scared us.

What we need to do?

It’s quite practical really. We must remind the cognitive part of our brain that everything is fine, and give it a few minutes to be calm.

What we tend to do?

Unfortunately we tend to create a feeling that something is wrong, and re-loop the emotional body memory correlation to a past memory that once scared us. Which means we inadvertently release those hormones, thinking we’re keeping safe.

As for next time…

In reality anxiety does not come out of the blue.  So next time you feel anxious unexpectedly and you are aware everything is okay, then simply follow the step above. Remind your body that everything is okay and wait ten to fifteen minutes for your body to calm.

Speak with me today

To discover more about fear and anxiety, and how to control it, then reach out to me today by commenting below or by arranging a free Healing Discovery session call.

© 2019 Janine Naus

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How To Respond And Not React

In difficult situations, and with difficult people, we can often find ourselves reacting, rather than responding.

And together with setting and practicing positive boundaries, choosing to respond is always best.

Think of a time when someone was rude to you.

Or failing that, think of a time when someone has been difficult with you.

It’s so challenging to know how best to handle this kind of situation.

Rule number one. When they are rude or disrespectful, don’t take it personally, be silent and then simply move on.

Unfortunately for them, these people only understand from their level of perception, from the way they see the world. When their perception does not come from a place of compassion, love or understanding, it comes from a place of fear. And when we allow someone else to cause drama around us, by something they’ve done or said, they may feel in control of you at that moment.

Here’s a quote I swear by in such times:

“The one thing you can’t take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me.  The last of one’s freedom is the ability to choose one’s attitude in any given circumstance.” Victor Frankl

The truth is, when you react to the actions of what someone else does to you, you may not have set clear boundaries. We discussed setting positive boundaries in a previous blog.

Choosing to respond

You have the power within to choose how you respond. That’s right! Which means you are in control of the direction of what happens next. If you feel you’re over reacting to a situation, step away so you can regain your composure, and then choose your best way to respond.

To learn more about setting boundaries or choosing to respond rather than react, then reach out to me and schedule your free 30-minute healing discovery session.

© 2019 Janine Naus

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Why Boundaries Can Build Better Relationships

Tired of feeling unappreciated and disrespected? Wouldn’t it feel amazing to feel respected and listened to by those around you? Here’s how setting positive boundaries can help you. Enjoy!

Do you ever find yourself feeling disrespected? Do those around you ever put down our opinions and ignore or refuse your requests? I’ve been there. And I know it left me feeling ignored, undervalued and unappreciated. In order for us to respond and make real change, we must consider the boundaries we set for others and ourselves.

As children we quickly learn the fact of life that people are not nice sometimes and that they can take advantage of others. This is where setting boundaries is crucial to keep relationships healthy, fair and authentic.

What are Boundaries?

Boundaries are often discussed in a negative way, but in fact, they are quite often the solution to negative feelings or situations. You do not need to justify, apologize for, nor explain boundaries you choose to set. And when setting them, be calm, be clear, be certain, be courteous, be you.

Boundaries can define who we are, and allow us to ask for what we need. It gives us the confidence to say ‘No’ without feelings of guilt. So consider starting to act according to your own values and beliefs, and not that of others.

How to set good boundaries

When we consider the power of boundaries in our lives, we realize that boundaries give us responsibility to be truly happy, and feel responsible for the happiness of those around us. When boundaries are set, you are in touch with your own feelings, and not the holder of the feelings of others. And finally, boundaries are guidelines for you to know what is, and what is not acceptable to you.

Here are three top tips to setting good boundaries:

Tip One: Increase your Self-Care.

We can all do more to take better care of ourselves. By practicing self-care more often, you will become a stronger support to those around you, particularly in times of sadness or distress. There’s more on self-care in a previous blog post.

Tip Two: Build a web of resources.

We’re not all experts on everything. So find others out there. Whether you’re joining support groups, counselling or meeting likeminded people at events or classes.

Tip Three: Focus on choosing responsibilities

It’s a fact that you can’t do it all. So decide what you will and won’t be responsible for. And when you take on a challenge, give yourself a time limit and protect the time, which you’ve put aside for your wellbeing.

Want to learn more?

Get your respect back today and try setting some good boundaries. If you’d like to talk through boundary setting with me, then please book your free healing discover session with me today.

© 2019 Janine Naus

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How To Find Courage After Trauma

For any major transformation, we must find courage. And for trauma survivors, we may need to find the courage within us first.

Courage exists in each and every one of us, and here’s how to find it…

What’s done is done. And all too often, we are told to look to the future and forget about the past. For trauma survivors though, it is far easy said than done.

Ironically, it sometimes seems as though the past is in the present. Everyday it creeps into our daily routine and becomes a barrier to our happiness and safety. We seek ways of coping and can often feel we’re fighting our battle alone. The truth is, we do have a choice to make. We can choose courage. And courage is the difference between continued sadness and creating heaven wherever we are in life. You may feel that it’s a choice that doesn’t exist but believe me - it’s there.

Finding the courage

All transformation in life takes courage, and overcoming trauma is no different. Courage resides within your body. So to find it, take a deep breath and feel where it resides. Can you feel it? If so, magical! If not, keep breathing deeper and deeper, and focus on it. When you feel it, this is where you gather the energy and belief to build exactly what you desire in life.

After trauma, we can sometimes feel disconnected. In moments like this, take time out to be quiet and find the courage from that spot within you, and notice what it feels like. It is this energy within that helps you take one step further to moving beyond trauma and creating heaven in your world.

I really hope this post as helped you believe in the power of courage. To take it further and to continue on your journey to healing, reach out to me and arrange a free call with me.

Jump on a 30-minute complimentary coaching session.

© 2019 Janine Naus

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Do you live life deliberately and purposefully?

Do you live life deliberately and purposefully?

“Why are you on this planet?”

One of the most asked and discussed questions all over the world. Here are the three reasons I believe we’re here:

…to create
…to experience
…to love

And when we put the focus on our own lives, and open our heart to taking inspired actions, our lives are transformed in the most magical of ways.

What does it mean to live purposefully?

When we live life purposefully, happiness and joy expands without limits. We follow that strong, powerful and authentic feeling even when the purpose is unclear - simply because, it feels so good!

Not only this, but we step on a journey of living life deliberately and purposefully with real intention and care for our actions. We’re focused, connected and engaged in creating a cherished life that is full of consciousness of the nature and effects of it -  it is filled with the beauty of authenticity.

It’s important to remember that others may resist our improved mindset and newfound path, or we may feel a bit of fear. Don’t let this stop you. After all, feeling fear means you’re doing something really, really brave. Continue with courage and perseverance on your journey to inner peace.

Jump on a 30-minute complimentary coaching session with me and I’ll share with you the 3 key things to living the life you want. Let me guide you on a journey to happiness and inner peace.

© 2019 Janine Naus

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4 Ways To Align Passion To Purpose

To identify our purpose, we must first find our passion.

Here is how to discover our passion and the 4 ways to aligning it with our purpose.

You’re ready for change. So in order to start healing we must understand the difference between your passion and your purpose. By doing so, we have a greater opportunity to live happier, healthier and start living an authentic life of calmness, control and full of love for ourselves and others.

How to find your purpose

When I started having conversations with other trauma survivors, I quickly learned that my purpose was to help them create heaven in their lives, just as I’d done. Helping others gave me most gratification and every day, I lend an ear and lovingly support those who want to heal. This was my passion… and thus, my purpose.

So when you’re searching for your purpose, ask yourself: what is your passion? When you’ve got this, work towards it and before you know it, you’ll have found your purpose in life.

How to align your passion to purpose

1.     Meditate: Start the day with morning meditation: Who are you helping? What will your efforts do to help? This is a sure-fire way to give your morning a running start.

2.     Visualize: See it. What does it look like when you’re having the impact you desire? What does it feel like? In doing this, allow the feeling of confidence to rush through you.

3.     Plan: Only you are responsible for your purpose, so plan ahead! Write down your inspired actions for the day and take care of your mind and body to help you achieve great things.

4.     Believe: To achieve it, you must believe it to be possible. So encourage yourself always, and express gratitude for your efforts.

Want to talk more?

Hopefully now you’ve learned a little more about how to align your passion to your purpose. I’d love to hear your story, so feel free to book your complimentary 30-minute coaching session with me. I look forward to speaking with you.

© 2019 Janine Naus

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How To Find Courage After Trauma

Finding courage isn’t easy when you’re a trauma survivor.Here’s a short blog, which includes an exercise you can do when you next need to find courage within you.

After trauma, we can feel disconnected. In times of disconnection, we can be left feeling without courage and faith. In a previous blog, I covered how to find faith in such difficult times. And in this short blog, we take a look at courage.

Courage is a choice. And, more importantly, it’s your choice.

How to Find it

We must first learn where courage resides in our body. So, take a long deep breath and physically feel where courage resides in your body. Got it? Amazing. Not got it? Keep taking deep breaths and I promise you will find it. It’s in this spot where you gather the positive energy and belief to build a life you desire.

When you next feel disconnected, take time out to be quiet and return to this exercise. Take a deep breath and bring the courage forward from that spot within you. Identify it. Use it. And feel it. It’s this energy within that helps you take one step further to moving beyond trauma and creating heaven in your world.

Get in touch

Reach out to me to talk more or book your free 30-minute strategy call to get started on your road to a cherished life, full of faith and courage.

© 2019 Janine Naus

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How To Find Faith After Trauma

For trauma survivors, discovering (or rediscovering) faith is a stepping stone to our transformation.In this blog, we look at why…

For trauma survivors, it’s almost certain to have experienced betrayal in our lives. When we are let down by others, our faith in others and ourselves are often broken. It’s how we react that determines our ability to recover and find inner peace afterwards. The learning here, is to remember that:

‘We have the power to control how we act’

When something bad happens to children, you’ll often find that the parents put up walls and react, rather than take action. They seek retribution. When really, they should be focusing on taking care of their child and focus on repairing the damage. This is NO different to how we should treat ourselves post-trauma. Let’s not put up walls, nor seek retribution to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Let’s look internally, repair the damage and have faith that the future is in our hands. Wonderful thought, right?

So how do we do it?

ALWAYS remember that there is a power greater than ourselves, who is always there for us, through thick and thin. Plus, it’s a power that’s always available as our source of cherished comfort, guidance and inner peace.

In times of need, reach out to your Higher Power.

“I need your help, your wisdom, your insight.”

Keep faith that your questions will be answered and DO NOT let fear pollute your thoughts to limited thinking. When we feel we’ve been let down, or people have disappointed us, let’s learn to trust. Don’t get me wrong, this is sometimes easier said than done. To be true to yourself and your values, learn not to put up walls and dread it happening again, and instead take an inspired action, where we focus externally rather than internally.

Welcome connection into your life

By opening your heart and reaching out, you’ll keep connected. So speak with me today or book your free 30-minute strategy call to get started on your road to inner peace.

© 2019 Janine Naus

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5 Ways To Get 'Unstuck'

Do you ever feel stuck? It’s a challenge so many trauma survivors have.

Let’s learn why we feel this way and the 5 ways we can get ‘unstuck’.

When do we feel stuck?

Life is not a story that’s already written. The truth is, we are of course one of the writers of our story, but it’s not just our behavior and decisions that impact it. As you well know, life doesn’t always stick to our plans; these are often changed in some way and this can be both good and bad. Sometimes this can make us feel we have nowhere to go, and we feel stuck and worry that unrealized plans mean that we have failed. We can often feel helpless and fear that we are defined by an event or circumstance in our lives, and simply cannot see ANY way of moving forward.

And we call it ‘feeling stuck’…

Feeling stuck is what it is. It’s a feeling. Most commonly speaking, feeling stuck doesn’t mean you physically cannot move, right? Being ‘stuck’ (or more accurately ‘feeling stuck’) can be a mental, emotional or physical experience – or a mixture of the three!

But what makes us feel stuck? Here are three reasons why:

1.     When we don’t know who we really are.

We can feel stuck when we’re not living an authentic life. It can often happen when we let others around us make our decisions and lead to feelings of powerlessness. And when you feel you’re out of control, that’s when you can feel trapped.

2.     When you don’t want to find out who you are

Explore who you are. Find out what is true to you. And be clear on your values. These will help you discover the real you inside, the ‘you’ who wants to live a cherished life, on your terms.

3.     When we live down to other peoples expectations

Do you often measure yourself against the expectations of others? Does this mean you’re doing things you simply don’t want to do? Behaving in ways that aren’t true to you? This is so common for trauma survivors. Being aware of this is a great place to start.

5 tips to not feeling stuck

  1. Be truthful: Always tell the truth

  2. Be honest: Let go of all excuses

  3. Be vulnerable: Expose the inner you

  4. Be open: Ask for help

  5. Be forgiving: Be open to forgive

If you want to talk this through a little more, then schedule a free 30-minute strategy call with me, Janine.

© 2019 Janine Naus

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How To Love Unconditionally

Do you love unconditionally? Here’s a quick blog update all about how you can choose to live a conditional life while loving unconditionally…

How to Create Unconditional Love

Conditional and unconditional love will be something you’ll have heard of many times before. But learning to live a conditional life and learning to love unconditionally is something of great importance on your journey of transformation. So welcome unconditional love toward you.

How to Create Your Own Life

Know that everything you need to know will come your way, helping you gain clarity on what you want your life to look like, and what you want to change about your world. Not only this, but knowing what needs to change will also help you understand the pace and timings of your transformation to a love-filled life. Start appreciating the contrast wherever you go in life and you’ll begin purposefully creating your own life.

On This Day…

Do you often start your day with positive thoughts and feelings about love, when momentum was slow? Then as the day progressed you tended to love what was picked up purposefully and deliberately? As you build these positive feelings, the natural consequence of being focused on this energy is the creation of unconditional love; the most natural feelings generated internally from within, rather than externally.

You now need to feel the difference between being aligned and your Higher Power flowing through you, before looking to be aligned.

Find your balance to unconditional love by starting from the inside out.

What does this mean? Well, finding your balance simply takes practice first, shortly followed by feelings of unconditional love. You will feel it with everything you experience. Place your attention on what it is you desire, focus in, and then open your heart, and feel the feelings flow through you.

Always share your love unconditionally with those in your circle of influence, in profound ways. If you want to learn more about loving unconditionally, then reach out to me or book a free 30-minute consultation .

© 2019 Janine Naus

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Do You Have The Power To Change Your Thoughts?

Our thoughts can determine how we feel in any given moment. And when we learn how to control our thoughts, we then have the power to change how we feel…

Of course you do. We all do. Let me explain…

Your ability to ‘think’ is one of the most powerful tools you have in your catalog of abilities as a human being. Not only this, but it’s the essence of who we really are, and what makes you… well, you.

So many of us take the power of our thoughts for granted. We forget that thoughts aren’t fixed. They give us the freedom to change, at will, in any given moment.

So what’s the relevance of ‘thinking’ for trauma survivors?

Changing Thoughts

Before opening my heart and deciding I was ready for change, I used to feel victimized. I would go through life feeling I was the victim of my circumstances.

As I began to work on my inner peace, my thoughts shifted. I soon realized I was the one who was creating victim-like thoughts. These would be negative thoughts reflecting on the circumstances I was experiencing. Honestly, it took me a while to realize how my thoughts played such a crucial role. My powerful victim-like thoughts resulted in a lot of needless struggle.

How to Shift to More Powerful Thoughts

Being still. I began to quiet my mind. I allowed my head to clear, and opened my heart to change. I started to create a new set of thoughts that helped me transform my life. Sure, to begin with, I could not believe it…

But it works.

As soon as my thinking changed, so did the reality within my world.

Just remember, YOU have the power to change your mind, to see things more clearly, to make new choices and to create new ideas. I’d like to leave you with a quote:

“Once you become consciously aware of just how powerful your thoughts are, you will realize everything in your life is exactly how YOU allow it to be.” ~ Melanie Moushigian Koulouris

You see, when you start believing that you control your thoughts, you can start building a happier, love-filled life. To talk more about the power of your thoughts, then get in touch with me today or book a free consultation with me, your friend, Janine.

© 2019 Janine Naus

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Why Is Self-Care So Important?

Why is self-care so important on our journey of overcoming trauma? Find out the importance of taking care of yourself and how self-care isn’t at all selfish…

What Is Self-Care?

For trauma survivors, we must take the time our mind, body and soul calls out for.

When you’re ready to transform your world and create heaven in your life, you’re committed to leading yourself to a place of calmness, clarity and heaven. And how well you care for yourself along the way is determined by your health and wellbeing, otherwise known as self-care.

You know what you need to do to feel good. But are you making it a priority to do those things, or make the changes you know you need to? Or do you find yourself feeling ‘selfish’ when it comes to self-care?

We are all our own healers and until we take self-care seriously, we’re unable to take care of others. Recall the flight attendant briefing the passengers with a safety warning before every flight:

Put the oxygen mask on yourself first – then you can help others.”

 … Such a great metaphor for self-care!

As women it is our nature to take care of others, to be selfless, to give.  Which means when it’s time to look out for ourselves, we all too often forget. In fact, it is absolutely necessary to learn to care for yourself when healing from trauma.

How To Put Yourself First

When you are in your flow, you’re in your ‘now’ moment, your authenticity. This happens when you put yourself first, activating energies of self-love, self-appreciation and honoring yourself.  The result is that the Law of Attraction will bring you things that match those energies.

The Lesson here: Feel love and appreciation for yourself. Feel authentic.

Remember that giving yourself time to self-care isn’t selfish. Only you can make sure you’re looking after yourself, so do it often and do it with limitless love. You are amazing.

To learn more about self-care and to get an actionable self-care plan, get in touch with me today to book your 30-minute free strategy session.

© 2019 Janine Naus

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How to Discover Desire

Our intent unlocks the power to grasp every opportunity and desire. So let’s explore what our desires are and how we can achieve them.

What is the ‘Divine’?

What is the ‘Divine’ and what does it mean on our journey to overcoming trauma? Well firstly, the definition of the ‘Divine’ is the God, Goddess, Spirit, Universe or whatever Higher Power or Supreme Being you align yourself to.

Take a deep breath and say:

“I am a unique manifestation of the Divine”

Take a second to repeat the above.

What is it you desire? This is your intention. And with intent, you have EVERY opportunity and possibility to accomplish all that you desire. Your journey is a journey of allowing. You’re allowing yourself to live a fuller, happier life and witnessing your becoming, your transformation. So throughout the journey to creating heaven in your life remember, you have the power to achieve it – it is in your hands.

What Do You Desire?

What do you want for your life? What is your end goal? These are questions of awareness we must ask ourselves to understand our true desires.

So allow yourself to feel empowered. Know that you have the ability to manifest WHATEVER your heart desires. You have a force that provides you with great wisdom to achieve it, and you possess it. It’s the profound feeling in your heart that you get when you reach out to your life desires.

The power within you exists, even if your senses tell you differently. Dream what it is you want and dream BIG, acting as if it’s already arrived. Think about what it is you desire; that true energy behind that thought brings into being what it is you desire. Let your Supreme Being know what you truly desire. You recognize that whatever it is you are thinking about, your Supreme Being gives to you—whether you are intentionally thinking of it or not.

How to Discover Your Desire

You know exactly what it is you want in life. You feel your life is overflowing with things that matter to you most. You listen to your intuition. You are perfect love. You are connected to your personal power. Your inward journey can be a powerful experience… STOP. Take a breath. Be still. Find your center for inspiration.

Remember that what you picture or imagine right now, will not necessarily feel powerful until you experience it and until you engage your energy with the value of achieving it. Not only this, the power of your thoughts can be balanced or unbalanced to what you desire and is based on how you feel right here, right now. It’s your emotional response to that thought that makes you feel good about that value; when it manifests within your body, witnessing it, and experiencing it. You draw the thoughts you need so you can experience the values where your energy is focused.

To talk more about what it is you desire and how to enable your power to achieve it, then book a free 30-minute coaching call with me, Janine Naus, today!.

© 2019 Janine Naus

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How to Create Heaven Wherever You Are

Sometimes decision-making can be a dreaded part of life. It can confuse us and often lead us to making the worst decisions. So, how can we learn to make better decisions?

What is Creating Heaven Wherever I Am?

Creating Heaven Wherever I Am. It’s something I talk about a lot. So, let me explain what I mean, so that you too can create heaven in your life.

To create is to make something happen. To create heaven is to start healing and learn ways to feel happier, healthier and lead an authentic life full of love, calmness and meaningful relationships. These are things you can ‘make happen’ yourself.  You have the power.

You can create the life you want. And you have the power to create anything you desire. I create heaven wherever I am, and you can do just the same. Remember, the ‘I Am’ is the healing power within you. And I’m here to help you see the endless possibilities you can create.

You can create a new dream. You can create new values. New beliefs. There really are no limits to your power to heal and transform your life. You have the power to open your heart and build a truly cherished life from this day forward.

You're doing great...

By continuing your journey to creating heaven wherever you are, you're taking the inspired actions needed. So give yourself a big hug because you’re doing great.

Continue to affirm that you are the 'I Am' power.  And you're asking the power within you to open doors to infinite possibilities life has before you.

It’s as if you are ushering in a breath of fresh air… breathing in the “I” and breathing out the “Am.”

You’ve awoken to the breath to reach the deepest realities of life, and reach the highest states of consciousness. You are on the path to connect with your essence, your core, your soul and your heart.

Your source energy and great wisdom within are allowing you to experience a profound feeling in your heart. You’ve accepted the great mystery that you’re an individuation of the higher power or whatever Supreme Being you align yourself to. You are ready for transformation. And most of all, you are ready to heal.

Feel blessed that you’re now aware to this power within you, and feel empowered that you are the creator of heaven in your life, wherever you are.

Build your plan to creating heaven in your life with me, by scheduling a free 30-minute coaching call or contact ask me questions today. I’m here to support you in any way I can on your journey, always.decision-making.

© 2019 Janine Naus

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How to Make Better Decisions

Sometimes decision-making can be a dreaded part of life. It can confuse us and often lead us to making the worst decisions. So, how can we learn to make better decisions?

Do you ever have difficulty making decisions?

This is surprisingly common in us all. So many of us find making decisions a real challenge throughout our lives. But when you also suffer from trauma, it can often seem extremely difficult.

With the limited amount of time we have available in our increasingly busy lives, it’s no wonder it’s difficult to make decisions from time to time. In a world where rushing around and being busy is the norm, we have to find strategies to help us make decisions, whether consciously or subconsciously.

Think of school tests or exams. So many decision distractors. Decision distractors are things like the multiple-choice responses you get to choose from. The incorrect ones are sometimes plausible, but incorrect.

Here are some possible decision distractors you may be familiar with:

·       Spending a lot of time in our head, mulling over lots of information, running dialog of the pros and cons

·       Experiencing past or present stress, anxiety or overwhelm

·       Feeling denied of certain feelings, questioning your gut feeling

·       Self-doubt, fear, and thought processes making it difficult to split the past and the ‘gut feeling’ present

·       Seeking advice from your well-meaning friends and family who base their advice on their beliefs, ideas and their responsibility and risk appetite

Have you experienced any of the above decision distractors?

Introducing the Left Side

I’m so pleased to share that there is a solution you can implement when in this situation. When we’re caught in our mind - the formless continuum that helps us perceive and understand things - we sometimes forget we can tap into another part of our mind. We can choose to explore a part of the mind that can actually support us with making those decisions, on our own. This is the left side.

When a decision is placed in front of you and a choice needs to be made, your brain will scan historic memories and experiences, helping you make the best possible decision. You’ll hear whispers from your intuition – the thoughts you have which may not make rational sense. It can often feel like and be described as a ‘gut feeling’. There will be reasons why your intuitive brain will make the decisions they make, but they’ll often be overruled by the more rational side of the brain.

Picture this. You have a dinner planned with friends on the weekend. Your intuitive thoughts are filled with excitement, as you’ve not seen them for a while and have so much to catch up on. Suddenly, the rational side of your brain gets involved. It starts thinking about what could go wrong; what someone might say to you and replays an embarrassing moment that happened one time, many years ago. After much back and forth, you decide to ‘go with your instinct’ and attend the event, only to have the best dinner with friends you’ve ever had. This, my friends, is the power of intuition.

You’re ready for change

You have the opportunity to make decisions on something you’re passionate about, leaving you feel euphoric every day and helping you to lead a more authentic life on your terms. Can you feel the power?

Learning to make good decisions is instrumental to living a life that’s happier and healthier.

So, how do I do it?

Just knowing the difference between our rational and intuitive thought patterns is the most important part. And now you know it – amazing!

So when you have any decision to make (big or small), get out of your head and into your body.  Tap into your Higher Self, and embrace your intuition for clearer guidance - through your Heart.

As it’s in your heart is where your intuition is…

It’s one of my favorite topics and there are so many exercises we can do together to improve your decision-making. So, book on a free 30-minute consultation with me, Janine, or contact me with any questions you have.

© 2019 Janine Naus

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Do You Self-Reflect?

How far are you on your healing journey? What have you done so far? Let’s reflect and celebrate.

Here’s my favorite way of self-reflecting…

How to Self-Reflect

In a world that seems to get busier and busier, it can be a challenge finding the time to focus on self-reflection. Before we talk about a fantastic way of doing this, I have to emphasize that self-reflection is a crucial tool you must learn, practice and create protected time for.

If all you have done is read the paragraph above, you’re on your journey to creating heaven in your life. So, wherever you are on your path, appreciate this truly wonderful journey to finding inner peace. So, take a second right now, and congratulate yourself on the steps you’ve already taken to building a cherished, authentic life. Well done you. You’re doing great.

So, how do we self-reflect?

My favorite way to self reflect is as simple as it is enjoyable. And it comes in the form of a short meditation.

So, sit in a quiet place and say the phrases below. Take your time and practice this, not everyone feels it first time round. As you must always be on your healing journey, be open-minded and welcoming. The more you embrace this practice, the more you will achieve.

Focus on your breath. Say to yourself “I” as you breathe in, and “Am” as you breathe out.

I am great!
I am the light of your soul!
I am beautiful!
I am bountiful!
I am bliss!
I am love!

I affirm “I Am the limitless power within for all of my healing and transformation.  I Am love.”

See, wasn’t that easy? Try and do this as often as possible. You’ll notice the more you practice it, the more blissfulness you will feel.

Want to learn more?

Start a conversation with me today in a free consultation and we can explore more ways for you to move forward on your path to inner peace.

© 2018 Janine Naus

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What Are Your Limiting Beliefs?

Beliefs are not always something we choose. As children, the people in our lives have great influence on what become our beliefs. When these beliefs become limiting to us and our healing path, what can we do?

Where do our beliefs come from?

All of our views and decisions in life are governed by our beliefs. Beliefs are not always something we choose, but are created on a much more subconscious level. When we’re younger, our loved ones, friends, religious leaders and teachers passed on their beliefs to us and (sometimes unfortunately), a substantial amount of those beliefs are engrained into our psyche.

How to bridge beliefs…

Simply put, we replace old beliefs with new ones. We need to focus on beliefs that make us feel good and give them real airtime in our world. Create a more cherished, fuller life by shifting your attention to new, upbeat and optimistic beliefs and you’ll notice those old beliefs (that you never even chose in the first place!) will drift away and are soon forgotten.

There is no need to dig out old beliefs… just replace them with new beliefs.

How do we de-construct belief systems that are limiting us?

Think of a belief that limits you. And if you’re not sure of one, then to identify it, think of a belief you have that makes you feel negative emotion – sadness, anger or frustration. The great thing about bridging beliefs is that we don’t need to re-live the negative emotion. If we focus too hard on the limiting belief, we’re giving it the attention it needs to keep having such a powerful impact on us. So to do this best, we don’t need to concentrate on only ‘deactivating’ limiting beliefs, but actually focus our approach on activating new beliefs. And ironically, this is how we succeed at deactivating the old limiting beliefs.

Make sense? If you’re having trouble with limiting beliefs or want to take a deeper dive into how you can make belief transformation in your life, then please reach out to me for a free consultation. We need to give less (or no!) airtime to limiting beliefs and all the airtime to beliefs which will help us heal and create a happier, healthier way of life.

Focus on what you want and not what you don’t want, and you’re halfway there.

Here’s another great article to read about this same topic: Trapped by your Mind? Learn This Five Step Process for Releasing Limiting Beliefs.

© 2018 Janine Naus

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How Can Our Choices Create the Right Experiences?

Do you make love-based or fear-based choices? Do you know how to transform your thoughts when making choices? Find out in this latest blog post.

How choices can create right experiences

Every day in life, we face choices, some big - some small. Are you someone who struggles making decisions? Do you find yourself worrying about the outcome of your decision-making?

When you make choice with fear, you will create a fear-based experience for yourself. In each one of us, we have to balance the experience when making choices, as we have an infinite number of imbalanced outcomes to choose from. As women who suffer with trauma, we can often feel that the safest thing to do is stay clear of making decisions, as we are frightened of the consequences. We can find ourselves making choices from a place of fight or flight mode; often petrified of the unknown consequences.

This is why some of us allow others to make choices for us – I know I used to! When they make a choice and it’s imbalanced – we often blame the person. If we allow others to continuing making our choices for us, we are left feeling powerless over the choices we have to make in our life.

Fear-Based Choices

To help us understand this a little more, think of a time when you’ve made a fear-based decision – this can be an instant decision for survival, or a longer-term decision you have made. Why did you make the choice you did? Obvious reasons to make fear-based decisions would be potential death, starvation or threat to your body. There are so many reasons you may opt for a fear-based decision – do any of these sound like your thoughts when making decisions?

·       I am scared of being on my own

·       What if I fail?

·       I am fearful not being good enough

·       Nobody will love me

·       I won’t be accepted

How to manifest your thoughts

You can choose to fill your body with the feeling of love when making choices, replacing the fear-based feeling. Choose to allow love as your focus and draw yourself the thoughts required to allow you to experience love in the future. Here are the three golden rules to manifesting your thoughts when decision-making:

1.    Open it – open your mind and authentic thoughts within you

2.    Look at it – observe the thought as if from a distance

3.    Experience it – live the thought through and be aware of how it makes you feel


If you want a helping hand to practicing better decision making, then schedule a free consultation with me today, and we’ll get you working towards a cherished life you’ve always dreamed of, which is filled with positive consequences as a result of your love-based decision-making.

Speaking of fear: every woman who has suffered trauma in their life has faced feelings of fear, here are 4 questions to ask yourself in a fear-fueled moment, to help you conquer fear.

© 2018 Janine Naus

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How to Build a Stress-Free Life

If you have feelings of stress or overwhelm, then learn how to manage it with my short exercise. Hopefully it helps you as much as it has for me.

What stress does to our body?

Stress impacts every organ of our precious body. When we feel stressed, our body releases a surge of adrenaline (similar to a flight/fright response), which speeds up our breathing. We start talking faster, taking shallower breaths from our chest, rather than slow, deeper abdominal breathing that we take when we’re calm. And as we’re taking in more and more oxygen, our heart rate and blood flow begins to accelerate! Think of the time you last felt stressed, or if you feel stressed over the next few days, become aware of your breathing – you’ll see what I mean…

Don’t get me wrong, speeding up our breath and heart rate is healthy, in small doses. If we’re constantly triggering flight/fright mode from chronic stress, the habit of shallow chest breathing can fall into everyday life, even when the stress may be over.

When we were born, we have high levels of resilience to our window of tolerance. In your earliest memory, you’ll notice you never found yourself feeling - what we now know as - stress. As trauma and extreme overwhelm beds in, we lose our ability of ‘riding the wave’ and disconnect further away from our inner peace.

The guide to a stress-free life

Did you know that even when you set yourself the toughest goals, you could achieve them without stress or self-doubt? Living a purposeful life does not mean compromising on your stress levels, and ultimately your health. Feelings of stress are so often generated by a flight or fright response to a situation, so when we can manage this reactive feeling, we can control the impact it has on our body.

Try this: Open your mind and switch off the flight/fright response mode.

  1. Breathe in for 4 seconds

  2. Hold your breath for 7 seconds

  3. Exhale for 8 seconds

  4. Repeat until you feel calmer

Important:  There is no need to remove beliefs from your belief system, simply replace them with new beliefs.

I think I know what you’re thinking: How will you remember the above in stressful times? Well, here’s what I do. I have a notepad I always carry around with me and also have this saved in the ‘Notes’ app on my cell phone. In times of stress and overwhelm, I find a quiet space and find peace through this practice. If you ever find yourself feeling unsure of how you feel, then read my previous blog post, which has the perfect exercise to authentically feeling.

If your situations of stress or overwhelm are taking over your life, and want to speak to an empathetic ear, then contact me today As you will have read in my personal story, I have been there and have practiced what I now preach. I look forward to helping you move forward on your healing journey. 

© 2018 Janine Naus

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3 Steps to Holding Space for Others

Whether you’re new to the art of ‘holding space’ or have been doing it for years, the impact is as powerful as ever before. Find out an easy method of how you can hold space.

Whether you’re new to the art of ‘holding space’ or have been doing it for years, the impact is as powerful as ever before. Holding space for others can truly help them through difficult periods in their life and can be an important factor in their healing journey.

In a previous blog post, we discussed how we’re all sacred beings and explored how we can become disconnected to our authentic self. From time to time we forget to simply ‘be’. Here’s another way to learn to feel safe with your feelings and help you on your journey to creating heaven in your life.

Hold space for yourself and others

Through difficult and painful times, you should ALWAYS hold space for yourself (and others). It helps you dilute any pain and suffering you could be experiencing. Holding space demolishes the invisible walls that you feel are stopping you from continuing your journey to an authentic world of inner peace.

Always remember that you’re being held by a power greater than yourself. Not only this, I am also holding a space for you too – so imagine being held, imagine feeling supported.

Want to give it a try?

Here are three simple, yet incredibly effective techniques to learn to hold space for yourself or someone else:

  1. Quiet your mind and when holding space for others, be actively listening to who you’re talking to

  2. Be silent and be with each other

  3. Physical touch (give them a big hug)

There you have it, it’s that easy. You can now help bring healing through this beautiful practice. For those of you wanting to take a deeper dive into the art of holding space, Christina Lopes created a fantastic video I would recommend to you.

Discover how you can learn to hold space for others around you, and as a result become more aware of your fabulous feelings and super sensations in the here and now. To speak with me about how you can create heaven in your life, contact me today today and set up a complimentary 30-minute consultation.

© 2018 Janine Naus

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